In September 2025, our curriculum will offer core and facilitating STEM-related subjects that will enable pupils to progress to leading universities and employers.
We offer A levels in:
We also offer the following BTEC:
In addition, we offer the TB6 Excellence programme, which will balance the rigour of carefully crafted examination preparation with the development of personal skills and character development. This coaching and mentoring will have inherent, lifelong value and universities as well as leading companies often favour candidates who can demonstrate specific soft skills and attributes.
“Students achieve outstandingly well. The proportion of students making better progress than expected from their individual starting points is exceptionally high”
“The school prepares students exceptionally well for future success and life in a multicultural society.”
The question of where to continue your post-16 education is arguably one of the most important decisions you have had to make in your educational career to date and getting it right is of paramount importance. Being part of Star Academies enhances the educational opportunities for all our young people and we strive to give our students a well-rounded academic education when students arrive.
By focusing on faith, education excellence and community service, TB6 aims to deliver a transformational experience from which young men emerge with a sense of outstanding aspiration and the highest expectation of oneself and at the same time accept that they have a responsibility and duty to contribute in personal terms to society’s well-being.
One of the attractions of attending TB6 is that we will collaborate with the most able students in Blackburn with Darwen to bring together teaching experts who are passionate, inspirational, pioneering and highly skilled at what they do. You can rest assured that the quality of learning and teaching at TB6 will stretch you beyond what you have experienced before, preparing you to take your place at the most competitive UK or overseas university or to join a leading company.
It is a tremendous privilege to lead this community. Our students are hard-working, dedicated and ambitious for their futures and my staff team are wholly committed to achieving excellence for every one of our young people.
These are exciting days! I look forward to receiving an application from you for a place at TB6 starting in September 2025.
Majid Ditta - Principal
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